November 24, 1942

Hello Darling;

I’ve just finished reading your little letter and it was certainly swell and 10 pages too! I’ll be lucky if can whip up 5 pages for you my dear.
The weather down here has turned a little colder but it is great for sleeping at nights. I know that when you come down I will have someone to keep me warm in bed, and I hope you feel the same way too.
I guess I didn’t make it too clear about my leave dear, we are supposed to be getting 5 days either at New Years or Christmas but I thought it would be such a long and expensive trip to go down there to Toronto that it would not be worth it for 2 days, but I am waiting to hear what you think is best before I decide finally. However dear I mentioned in my last letter what I thought would be a grand idea for New Years. My leave starts on the 29th so if you could leave Toronto on the morning of the 28th you would arrive here on the night of the 29th and we could spend the 5 days leave at some hotel here. I think that would be really swell dear. Even though I certainly wish I would get home so let me know what you really think is the best idea.
You asked me why I did not go to the dances, well I will tell you. I went to a couple of them as I told you and believe it or not I don’t think I ever spent a more dismal or miserable evening in my life. It wasn’t the music or the floor or anything but just the fact they remind me of those swell times we used to have together. So darling, hurry down here and cheer me up a bit. I guess the while trouble is that I really love you so much. Also, it is just a reason for the boys to find some “loose” gals to meet up with, and darling, that is something I have no interest in.
Last night I went to the show as usual. It was Abbott and Costello in “Hold that Ghost”. I think I saw it before with you dear. Well anyway it wasn’t bad. Tonight there is a dance so I don’t know what to do. They have 2 dances a week here darling. Tuesday and Saturdays so keep those dates open for your husband when you come down. Now don’t forget that darling.
A couple more of the Toronto boys got married on their leave and one of them got a place after he had brought his wife down. He was certainly taking a chance but everything turned ok for him.
I’m sorry that I forgot to enclose the bill for the radio in my last letter but I’ll put it in this one dear and I sure can get the Hit Parade. I can get practically every station in eastern U.S and Canada. I am sorry I forgot to put a lot of kisses in your letter dear and I will put some extra in this letter for you.
You won’t need to worry about any blackouts here dear, because when we have them when you are down here we will turn off the lights and then……..and then since you are so worried about the dark, I will make sure that I am right by your side.
You also said that you could dance circles around me (oh yeah) well they dance just he same as they do back home.
Now darling if you have to come down by yourself I don’t want you to worry about anything. You are going to come down first class and you will spend one night on the train, so let me know what berth you would like, upper or lower and upper is better darling and it would be safer but there won’t be any soldiers on the train, but you will have to make your reservation early, but hold everything until the first of the month. I think it is going to cost around $45 for your meals and everything. So that is not too bad at all, in fact darling I’d spend 10 times that to bring you down here.
Bob is working all night this week so I don’t see much of him, but he had been taking things easy lately. I think he is afraid of those Halifax women. I don’t blame him either, after what happened to him.
Pardon me for a moment dear, one of the boys just came in with a pair of skates to raffle off at 10 cents a draw. They have skating here by the way dear at the Forum. I haven’t been there yet, and they say it is not too bad. Well I’ve drawn #25 so heres hoping it is lucky.
Well dear I’ve got to be closing now, I’m on duty watch this week so I got to get up to the Fire Hall for the role call. So I’ll just close by saying that I love you more than anything darling and I can’t wait until I see you in only 4 week.
Until then I remain your ever loving husband,



November 22, 1942

Hello Darling:

I received you very nice letter on Friday and I am sorry dear I did not get a chance to answer it sooner. It is now Sunday afternoon and I have just finished listening to the 8 hit tunes of the week. Can you get that program on your radio?
As usual dear nothing exciting has happened here since I last wrote you. Last night, being Saturday I went to the good O’l show with Irene. We went to the Lamew on Pape as we had seen all the other shows around here. The 2 pictures we saw were not bad. After the show we went up to Auntie Bessie;s where the whole family was. Please excuse this wee pad of paper O’l dear but as I have finished all my paper in my pad I have to use Marg’s and she always buys these little wee ones, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Bill darling, I don’t understand what you mean when you say you are taking New Years off instead of Christmas, does that mean you are coming home for New Years and then I will go back down with you? Or that you are not coming home at all but will take New Years off when I come down there? Please be sure to explain what you mean in your next letter.
Your Mother is going to be disappointed that you are not coming home for Christmas and so will your Aunt Mattie. Of course I will miss you too dear, but then I am going down to see you. Gosh darling the time is sure going slow but it will not be long now.
By the way since when have the censor department told you to cut out all the kisses at the bottom of your letters? Gee Bill they may be unimportant to you but they certainly mean a lot to me. I guess you gave giving out too many kisses down there and cannot remember to put them in my letters, just wait until I get a hold of you.
I was talking to your Mother today and she has not yet heard any word form you, she has been looking for a letter for some time now. I told her you were going to write her and your Aunts so do not make a liar out of me. They are all so tickled when they get a letter form you. I wonder darling if you really know how much they all do really love you. They were all hoping that you would get home for Christmas. Your Mom and Dad are going to your Aunts for supper as Aunt Mattie has not bene out for some time now, and she is not able to go out really.
I will try and go up and see her this week but gosh I have been so busy with showers for Marg. Last Friday night I was up at Auntie Bessie’s and Irene, Jessie and I were all working on Marg’s brides book as we have to finish it by Friday night as that us the night of Aunt Lizzie’s shower for her and there is one next Wednesday over at Mrs. Collards. We had a blackout here last Wednesday. It was supposed to be a surprise blackout but I was over at Mrs Simpson’s getting some pictures and she told me it was that night as Mr Simpson had to be on Fire Duty. I was the lucky one to go over and get some pictures from the Simpson house and let me tell you that I walked in, hardly said a word and picked up those pictures and walked right back out. After what they did to poor Marg I have nothing to say to them, and I think they got the picture.
Bill dear do they blackouts in Halifax every night? Oh the redhead that worked in the office with me was put out of the office last week. My boss gave her a transfer to some other department. He said she was keeping the other girls form their work by gossiping and talking all the time. I felt sorry for her because a lot of the kids just used to talk to her because she would tell them all the gossip from the office, among some other things! It was not entirely her fault and she told the boss that but he did not listen to her. I wonder if I will ever see her again?
Bill dear you were saying that Tuesday night was dance night but you just stayed in and listened to the radio. Bill you should go with them because darling I am out of practice and will have to learn all over again and I was hoping that you have learned some new steps to teach me. I guess I will manage as I used to dance circles around you (HA HA).
You were saying that you had an offer to sell the radio and am I glad you didn’t see it because as I told you the man that sold me the radio said that is another months time we would not be able to get a small radio.
We have Ian home this weekend, he just received his wings last Friday afternoon and he got leave until Tuesday morning then he has to report to Moncton, New Brunswick on the 25th and he hopes to be there for just a few days. Oh Bill do not forget to send the bill for the radio, because I might need it.
Everybody in the house is sleeping so after I finish your letter I think I will have a wee nap. Boy what a life. It is a lovely day here, I am just debating if I should put my spring coat on when I go out. I only hope it keep up like this.
Well dearest I guess I will finish now as I am getting a wee bit short of news, but I will write you again on Tuesday. So darling loving you very, very much.
Love from your wee wife who is missing you an awful lot,


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX – extra kisses for you

November 22, 1942

Hello Darling:

Well here it is Sunday and I’ve just returned from having dinner and boy what a dinner. Cream of Tomato soup, boiled ham, carrots, potatoes and ice cream and apple pie for dessert. Boy oh boy will I be putting open weight for you.
Well dear only a couple more days and it is the end of the month and then December, and then you will be here. My boss, Sergeant Weldon asked me about going home to Toronto on my 5 days leave and he said that he didn’t think it was worth it because for one thing the train would at least 2 days to get home and it would cost about $45 anyway. Then I said I was mainly going home to bring you down, well then he said why don’t I get a room at the Nova Scotian for my leave for 4 or 5 days. I really think that would be a lot of fun darling don’t you? Just you and I together for 5 days. I really do think that would be best even though I would like to come home very much. I would only be home for 1 day anyway. But darling I want to find out what you really think is best before I decide finally.
I will have 5 days starting on the evening of December 28th until the morning of January 3rd so darling if you could leave Toronto the morning of the 27th you would get in here he night of the 28th. I’m going to go to the accounts Section and get your transportation warrant. I will send it down to you and you will have to bring it in to the station for a train ticket. Dear, I would like you to make your reservation early so that you will be sure to get a good berth and seat. Let me know whether you want an upper or lower. I think an upper would be awful. Well anyway darling I won’t make any definite arrangements until I hear from you so you let me know what you think would be best.
I can hardly wait to see you again dear and thank goodness it won’t be like last time and I won’t have to leave you after 2 weeks. It will be just like another honeymoon darling and that is why I thought it would be very,. very nice to stay at a hotel for the first 4 or 5 days.
Well let me see what has happened since I last wrote you, nothing very much as usual. I’ve been doing a little painting and drawing. Friday night I went to the station theatre and saw a funny pair of pictures. Saturday night I went downtown and sae “Flying Tigers” boy, now that really is a great picture. Have you seen it yet dear, it is certainly worth seeing. Tonight I guess I will go to the show again. I don’t know what the picture it bit it is the only thing to do on a Sunday night.
So you are still worried about not getting enough money, well dear you say that now but I have more than I know what to do with down here, and I want you to spend that $75 that you will be getting this month on yourself. I’ve got so much myself that I didn’t even go up at the middle of the month and get my pay. I’m going to let it total up until you get down because I’ll need it then. You had better bring our bank book down with you and if you need any loose cash let me know because you will have to buy your meals on the train.
I’ve ordered a dozen Christmas cards dear so if there is anybody in particular that you would like me to send some to just let me know. I figured I would have 2 or 3 people I would send them to myself. Maybe you can get some addresses from my Mom and Pop, specifically anyone who is the states that we should be sending the Christmas cards to.
Well dear I’ve got to hurry because I want to get this int he make by 2 o’clock. I should have written you yesterday afternoon dear, but I had to work for a while and I did not get a chance.
I guess Marg is getting excited. I would have liked to see the wedding for Marg’s sake but after the way Ted acted I would not go across the street to see him married, but anyways darling I know you will be the loveliest girl there anyways. Just you make sure that the other guys know that you are my wife, and my one true love. I think what you had in mind for Marg’s Christmas gift is very nice and you go ahead and get it. You can get my Dad a pipe for me dear and I do not know what to get my Mother and for your Mom and Pop something very nice and do not forget baby Beverley too and from the bottom of my heart I just wish that was our baby we were buying presents for.
Well darling loving you very, very much and hoping to see you soon dear.
I remain you very loving husband,



November 17th, 1942

Hello Dearest;

I received your very nice letter today so I thought I would answer it right away. I see you received my wee letter, I know it was shorter than usual but I still don’t think it was wee, gosh one of the girls in our office was writing her husband down at work and she wrote him one page. She was saying she never writes him much more so I don’t think you do too bad.
I have just came in from the show and as soon as I write your letter I am going to hop into bed. I went to the show with Irene and saw 2 swell pictures. I was talking to your Mom before I went to the show and she was at the dentist today, but she did not get the rest of her teeth pulled. She just got he impressions taken. I was going over to see her tomorrow night but Mom and Dad have to go to a meeting so I have to stay home and watch Beverley, so your Mother said she would come over and say with me.
Yes darling I know you were getting a parcel from Mrs. McCombie as she was telling your Mother that she was going to send you one so be sire and write her Bill because I think it was very nice of her, and I’ll just her those boys enjoyed those cigarettes.
I am glad you told me about your Mom and Pop’s anniversary, have you any suggestions what I can get them dear? Auntie Lizzie is having a shower for Marg next Friday so I thought I would give your Mother her gift there, but let me know what you think. There is also another shower for Marg on Wednesday over at Mrs. Collards and another one on the first Wednesday in December and Ann Noddle and I are having one for her the 2nd week in December, oh boy what fun.
I was down at Auntie Bessie’s cutting out pictures for Marg’s brides book last night and I will have to go down on Friday night again, poor Marg I am telling her so many lies.
You were saying Bill that if I wanted any Ari Force Cards you would send them to me. I think they would be very nice, but I have 2 boxes here which I bought about 2 months ago, so I am well ahead of you. Bill dear I am going to get mad at you, I told you not to sign any more money over to me, because I said before you will not have enough for yourself. I see that I am going to have to give you a talking to when I come down here so just watch out.
You were also saying that if I wanted to I could come by T.C.A, that is nice of you Bill, but I think I would rather wait until you were with me on my first trip and anyway we can use that $10.00 because it is going to cost us quite a bit and darling here is the good news. I finally went in and asked Mr. Court for my months leave and he was very nice about it and said I could have it off as long as I did not leave him for Christmas. Boy was I relieved when he said I could.
Marg went into her boss yesterday and asked is she could take 5 weeks off, but he told her he would only allow 2 weeks leave as it was some new government order that no one can have more than 2 weeks leave. So I guess I was lucky because Mr. Court did not know about this new rule.
Boy you sure have fun down there, only why do they always pick on poor Bob? I think I will have to take him under my wing when I come down. Have they played any jokes on you yet?
Ok Bill darling I am getting so excited, you had better wear a red rose on your label when you meet me as I might not know who you are. Another thing Bill, maybe you had better send my bill for the radio up in your next letter as I might need it, I don’t think I will bust just in case.
Auntie Bessie had a letter from your Uncle Stan today saying that he was coming home as an instructor as a Sergeant Major, but she got a telegram last week saying that his leave had been cancelled. Wasn’t that a shame, so poor Auntie Bessie was feeling pretty blue tonight. I do not blame her because it has been 3 years since Uncle left here.
Bill dear I thought we would buy Beverley a play-pen for Christmas. I thought we could get Marg a coffee table for a wedding present as she and Auntie Jessie have us our Tea Wagon. So I am going to take Marg with me when I buy it because I might choose something she did not care for, so we will go up to College St Eaton’s on Saturday afternoon and get it. Do you think that is OK?
Mrs Collard was telling us that Ian was recommended for his commission, but we have not told anyone yet in case it is a lot of talk and I am not sure if he will like that or not because he wanted to be back home in Scotland for Christmas. But if he gets his commission he might be kept here as an instructor and he always said he didn’t envy anyone who became an instructor as it is a tough job. I think Bill that is a lot of talk, you know how people make more out a small thing to make themselves feel important.
Well darling I am afraid I will have to close now because it is getting late and I have to do a lot before I go to bed. But darling I will write you again on Thursday or Friday.
So dearest loving you with all of my heart and just think dear it won’t be line before I will be able to have you in my arms and kiss you for real. Love,



November 15th, 1942

Hello Honey:

I received your wee letter darling and I hoped I would write a longer one than that last one even though I have not got very much news.
The weather has turned real cold over night here dear but the barracks are so hot that we have to open the windows to cool off. I was down to the YMCA yesterday afternoon and I saw this guy about getting a place, but he said I had come too early because I would put a months rent down to hold a place. So he said to come back in a couple of weeks and he said he would see that he could do then. He had about 50 places yesterday and he said I should not have to much trouble at all getting a place and I really don’t think we should myself. We will take the first place I get a chance at and then you can look around for a better place.
I received a nice parcel from Mrs. McCombie and she sent a cooked of packages of cigarettes, 100 in all. So I split them up amongst the boys and they were very glad to get them. I guess I had better written her a small note thanking her.
My Mom and Pop are celebrating their marriage celebration around the 27th I think dear. So I thought you could buy something nice from the both of us. So I’ll leave it up to you darling. You are getting your 20% off now aren’t you? Well how about doing some of my shopping for you and I. You can send some presents to my Aunts and Uncles from the both of us and to my Mom and Pop. I can get hold of some Air Force cards down here so if you want me to send some down to you at your address let me know.
I went to the show last night dear and saw “Desperate Johnny” last night. Boy it was certainly a great picture if you have not seen it dear make sure you don’t miss it. And that guy Flynn, what does he have that makes girls sigh, maybe it is because of what they read in the paper about him, having some trouble with a girl.
Well dearest, in just about 4 weeks now and boy am I ever looking forward to see you. It has been 3 months to the day that I left and darling it really had gone by so slowly. I guess I can hold out for another month.
By the way dear if you get your Air Force Marriage pay at the end of the month don’t worry about it because I signed over $40 to you so you should get $75. I figured you would need some extra money at Christmas and don’t worry about me because I’ve got so much money that I didn’t even go down to get paid on the 15th. I’m going to buy your Transportation Warrant dear and send it down to you. I won’t need to get it for 3 weeks or so, so I’ll give you all the instructions by then. I was told that is only costs about $10 more to go by T.C.A so darling if you think you would like that let me know.
Ted really is not doing right by Marg is he? I really did not think any family could be so mean as they are. I’m certainly glad that we have not got any troubles like that dear. I was kind of hoping that Marg would call the whole thing off and you could come down right away. But I guess she must like him to well.
We had more fun around here last night. One of the boys filled up a new “safe” with water and tied the end, then this person put it in Bob’s bed and boy what a mess it was. He is still drying out his bed and mattress today.
I have spent the last 3 hours writing letters and my hand is beginning to cramp something awful. I got your letter and my Aunts finished so I guess I won’t have time to get my Mothers letter finished tonight, but I will write her tomorrow.
Well dearest missing you very, very much and loving you from the bottom of my heart.
I remain you very loving husband,



November 13th, 1942

Hello Darling:

Well here it is Friday night and I know I promised to write you last night but I felt sort of sick in the stomach so I went right to bed when I came home form work, but I feel swell today. I went to work today as usual so don’t worry darling there are no little Lewis’ yet.
This will be a rather hurried letter because this is the night of the shower for Marg and I would be late by the time we got home, so I thought I would write you now. We are having quite a time. Marg and I are supposed to go to Doris’ for a fitting on our dresses and we were to pick up Irene, thats how we were supposed to get her down to Auntie Bessie’s, but good Ole Marg has decided she doesn’t want to go out, so I will have to hurry and think of something. Boy is it ever cold here tonight. I’ll bet it is below zero or pretty close to it.
If you hear that awful screaming down there, that is just Beverley. She is crawling all over the front room floor. She really is not crying, but learning to talk and what an awful noise she makes. I am glad dear that you got the radio OK and I am glad that you get so many stations. How come you just get them after 12 o’clock. Or is that the time you get in at nights. Oh now the truth comes out eh? Just wait until I get my hands on you and darling that will not be long now.
I was over to see you Mom and Dad on Wednesday night and they are fine dear, but I guess she told you in her letter. Your Dad was working though and did not get home until 9PM. I had a piece of gum stuck on the back of my coat that some kid threw at me at the circus and it was annoying me. So Dad got some gasoline and took it off for me. I was going to phone your Mom tonight but I will be seeing her at Auntie Bessie’s so I won’t bother. Aunt Agnes and Aunt Mattie were supposed to come also but Aunt Mattie isn’t able to get out so Aunt Agnes will not be coming either as she doesn’t like to leave her alone. Did you write them yet Bill? I hope so. You should have joined the bowling club because I could go and watch you when I come down or is it strictly stag?
Well dear it is all settled with Marg and Ted. Marg is giving in and is going over there to stay with the Simpsons. So I hope the Simpson’s are happy now that they have their own way, but I only hope that they are half as happy as what we are dear and that they have as much love for each other as we have, but I guess they have in their own peculiar way.
I am glad that I won’t have to bring a lot of things down with me dear because I won’t spoil my things but I will take some bedding and towels down with me., Your Mother was telling me not to come home with a lots of kids and I said no more then 5, I promise.
I guess I will go to the show tomorrow night. I don’t know what is on yet but I hope they are good. I am going to stay downtown tomorrow afternoon and do some looking around because I am going to do my Christmas shopping on my 20%. I told your Mom she could put her things on my 20% if she wanted to. I certainly picked a swell day to stay down because its the Santa Claus Parade tomorrow morning and I just know the stores will be crowded, but as you know dear I am a bear for punishment. Any more word on your Christmas leave yet dear? Gosh I hope you get home even if it is for only 1 day.
Well dear I am really sorry but I will have to finish now as I promised I would get Beverley dressed for Mom as she is going to Aunt Bessie’s also, but darling I will promise to write you a nice long one on Sunday.
So dearest, loving you with all my heart, your loving wife,



November 11th, 1942

Hello Darling:

Well here it is on Wednesday night and I really feel like writing you a long letter darling and I hope I can think of enough to make up for some of those short ones that I have been writing.
I’ve just returned from the canteen where I had a chocolate bar and a pint of milk and I’m all by myself, oh yes and I forgot to say that I’m listening to Harry James. I received your radio dear and I’m really tickled pink with it. I can get about 20 stations on it and that is after 12 o’clock and I had it going here until 1 o’clock this morning. In fact I almost got thrown out of the barracks for having it on so late. I can just imagine us dancing to some go this music when you come down here. Time is really just sliding by, just a little more than 5 weeks.
The boys all went bowling tonight and that is why I am alone. I would have joined the bowling club but I figured that when you come down next month I would have to quit and so it wouldn’t be much use starting just for a month or so. The weather is still holding out fine. I have not put on my heavy coat yet and I just hope it stays like this until the end of the month anyway. It really has been the swellest summer and fall that I can ever remember.
I received my Mothers letter and as usual it had all the latest gossip. I’m so very sorry to hear that my Aunt is failing fast. I just hope that I get a chance to see her again before anything happens, because I would never be able to get over it if anything ever happened and I did not get a chance to get home.
So your Mom and Pop are looking over my Aunts place? I hope they can get settled in some place before the weather gets too cold. Accordingly to the news today I wouldn’t be too surprised if we aren’t looking for a nice little bungalow for ourselves in the next year, as soon as this darn war is over.
So you have a couple of surprises for me? I really haven’t got the slightest idea what it could be darling but we aren’t going to have an addition to the Lewis family are we dear? I wouldn’t mind myself, in fact I would feel pretty proud but I guess it must be something else. By the way I hope to have a couple of surprises for you too darling.
I feel so sorry for Marg, the more I hear about that guy Simpson the madder I feel. If I was Marg I know that I would tell him and those Simpsons, and that would free her up as well as you to come down here sooner.
No dear you don’t have to bring those things. I was talking to that fellow I was telling you about in my last letter and he said that for you to bring down as little as you possibly can and to send home for anything you need. So you baked a pie, nice going dear. I know you can cook anyway and it really wasn’t a surprise.
You can say that again dear, about us having a lot of fun when this war is over. This army life is really going to make me appreciarte getting back home in fact I don’t think I’ll go out of my house for at least a month once I get back to Toronto with you.
Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if I do run into Ian when he comes down here to ship back off to England, but as you said I will keep an eye out for him, and of course an eye “on” him.
Well darling I guess I will have to cut this short but as the vocalist for Harry James is singing “you’re always in my mind, but out of sight” from the song “This Love is Mine” So darling with all my love, I remain your loving husband,



November 10th, 1942

Hello my Darling:

I received your very nice letter today and I have just finished reading it as I have just got in from work and it is about 9PM. I went and had my hair done right after work and now I am all set for you to come home and take me out, gosh I wish you could but darling just think it won’t be long before I am down beside you.
That was very nice of that fellow to take you to his place for supper. Do I know him? Darling just think that soon we will have a room all to ourselves where I can cook for you (HA HA poor you). I hope you can take it, I mean the cooking. Last night I stayed home and finally finished your socks, so Mother is going to wash them tomorrow for me so I will try and send them down to you so that you will get them for the weekend. After I finished your socks I went to bed and I was in bed by 10 o’clock.
We had quite a night over here last night. It seems that yesterday Marg got a telephone call from Mr. Simpson asking her to meet him at noon hour as he had a letter to her from Ted. Ted has sent it in care of his Fathers place because they get their mail 3 times a day instead of once and he wanted Marg to get this one right away. So Marg went over to meet him and when she read Ted’s letter she broke down. It seems he told her unless she goes over there to stay with his parents after the wedding, the wedding will have to be postponed. Poor Marg got such a shock she had to go home and Bill if you could have only seen her, she was crying as if her heart would break and I could slap Ted Simpson and his family for hurting her so much. She doesn’t know what to do , as her dress is being made. She asked my opinion, but I told her that was something she would have to decide for herself.
I did say however that I think Ted needed to get a backbone and tell her she did not have to go over there and live, but I said if she loved Ted so much as she said she did, then I would let nothing stand in my way. I would go over and stay there with his parents but I would just ignore them and make them wish they had never asked her over there. I wish you could have heard what your Mother called them. Your Mom was around here this afternoon to see Mom and so was Auntie Lizzie. Oh yes Mrs. Simpson came over to Mothers last week, which I think I told you, but I never told you this. She said to Mom, “you know Ted was more of a home boy than Bill Lewis”. Why she had to take your name into this, I will never know. All I know is your Mom said to me if she ever sees Mrs. Simpson again she is going to say to her, “well at least my boy did not take his knitting down with him”. Heaven help her is she says anything to me about poor Marg.
Well enough of the bad news, I get a long rest in bed tomorrow as I have a holiday in the morning seeing as how it is Remembrance day, and we do not have to go in until 12PM, not bad eh?
I phoned you Mom tonight to let her know I had a letter from you and I am going over to see them tomorrow night and I told her that you were going to write you Aunts this week, and darling be sure and write Aunt Mattie because darling she is very ill. Your Mother would not want to let you know her condition, and it must be very hard for your Mother knowing that she is failing and just waiting and not being bale to do anything about it. But Aunt Mattie is really bad, I never got such a shock as I did last Sunday when I saw her. She is so thin and she is suffering quite a bit, so dearest I am praying that you get home at Christmas so you can see her. I hate to tell you this news Bill because I know it is no fun being away from home and knowing that someone dear to you is sick, but I thought you should at least know the whole truth.
We are having quite cold weather here just now, tonight is very cold. But darling I am certainly looking forward to coming down to you so that keep me nice and warm at night. I thought I would stay downtown some night this week and see “Desperate Johnny” with Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan. Have you seen that picture yet der? One of the girls in the office asked me to stay down with her.
Say, how does my good husband know all the orchestra boys and all the news that they keep coming up with. I am just listening to “I met her on Monday” and are my feet just itching. Darling I am, certainly going to expect my husband to take me out dancing at least 10 times when I get down there.
So darling I will close now but I will write on Thursday, so dearest write soon.
love still from your still 107 pound wife.



November 8th, 1942

Hello Darling:

I received your very nice letter yesterday dear and it really was a lovely surprise as I wasn’t looking for one until Monday. Well dear nothing exciting has happened since I last wrote you.
At the present moment we are all listening to Jack Benny then after that I am going to listen o the Band Wagon, I don’t know who is on yet. Do you get the Band Wagon down in Halifax? Friday night Mother and Dad and I all went over to see your Mom and Dad and they are both fine. I think your Mother was going to write you today so I guess you will get her letter the same time as you get mine. Your Mother will be telling you that Mom and Dad might be buying Aunt Jessie’s house on Glebholme thats why Dad went over to see your Dad so they could figure it all out, but I do not know if they have decided anything or not, but I think they should because I think it is a very good buy, but I don’t know very much about it though. Aunt Agnes was over the other afternoon talking to Mom and she was all tickled with Beverley.
Last night I went to the show with Ian and Marg. Ian came in Friday night for a 48 hour leave. He has passed his wwings test and expects to get them in 2 weeks, so he was all thrilled. We saw “Tarzan and Joe Smith” and they were very good pictures. After the show we went over to Aunt Bessie’s and as usual she had a going on and I think there was about 15 people there. Irene and Jessie were out with 2 Englishmen in the Air Force. The Band Wagon has just come one and it is George Olsen’s Band. Do you know him?
Ian met Marg and I from work yesterday and while we were waiting for Ian I ran into Ruth Duff. She was waiting for her girlfriend. She was saying that she thinks Lloyd is overseas now because a large number of soldiers had just arrived so I guess they will be getting a telegram for him anyway.
Marg is writing Ted, but she is just waiting for his answer because she told him that she is definitely not over there to live with the Simpson’s, so she is worried in case Ted calls the whole thing off. As I said to you before, I cannot understand why Ted would want to live with his parents when he is just married. Personally I think he is being selfish. Bill darling they are just playing Serenade in Blue and darling I can just imagine us dancing to it at the Palais Royale, which I hope will be very soon. I can hardly wait until I come down to you.
Darling do I really have to bring all those things down with me, I thought you would be getting a furnished room. I can take sheets and pillowcases and towels but I don’t think I could take lamps and everything but you go ahead and see that kind of room you can get and let me know exactly what you want me to bring down.
My Mother and your Mother are a lot suspisious of me in case I stay longer that a month but darling if I do I can always send for things if we need them, and darling believe it or not I baked a lemon pie all by myself today and if I do say so myself it was very good. I phoned your Mom for the recipe today because I liked hers so very much. So you see dear, I really am serious about learning how to cook before I come down to you. So my dearest I only hope nothing happens to stop me coming down to you but darling I certainly am praying awful hard.
I have 2 surprises for you when I come down to see you. I am not going to tell you because that will spoil everything, maybe you won’t be surprised but I think you will be. You were saying dear that you would gladly give $50 to take me to the Palais Royale, and darling I certainly wish you could do that, and darling we will be together for always and just think of the fun we can have dear. Darling that was a lovely thing to say about us having so much trust and faith in each other and you know Bill dear I love you so much that I couldn’t do anything else but trust you. I always have and always will, you have never given me any reason to distrust you and as you say I don’t think those other fellows wives could possibly love them if they run around with other men because I can’t be bothered looking at other fellows, they have not interested me for over 6 years.
Oh I forgot to mention Bill but Ian thinks he will be going home again in about 3 weeks time so he is going to look you up when he is arriving in Halifax and she said to keep an eye on you but I told him that it would be the other way around, you keeping an eye on him!
Tomorrow night I think I will go and get my hair done as I will need it done for Marg’s shower next Friday night, that is if they are still engaged. Well dear I will have to make this short because we have just had this friend of Auntie Jessie come in and we haven’t seen her for years and they are yelling at me to hurry up. So dearest, I will close now but I will write you on Tuesday.
So loving you very much and just 6 weeks before I will be able to prove it to you.



November 5th, 1942

Hello Darling:

Well here I am again dear, but without very much news. I’m afraid I’m writing this letter on a copy of the “Toronto Star” and it certainly makes me feel pretty lonely and homesick but it won’t be very long before you’ll be down here.
I received you letter yesterday dear and I was very glad to receive it. I really didn’t expect one until today. I expect one from my Mother soon so if he hasn’t written yet give her a little prod.
Well let me see now, the weather has taken a turn to the colder side, but I imagine that Toronto is still colder. I went to the station show last night and saw a real old picture “I Cover the Waterfront” it was a little bit smutty in spots. One of the scenes was some guy asleep and his buddy comes in and tries to wake him up and he says, “Not tonight Josephine” Well anyway it struck me being kind of funny.
We are expecting a band down here today and I was thinking perhaps it will be one of the famous one, but we do not know yet. By the way our house band is really doing ok. The fellow that I sort of chum around with plays in it. His name is Jim Guthro and he used to play for Morgan Thomas, and he comes from Hamilton. He gets the latest “downbeat” every 2 weeks and I get the latest dope on all the bands. Boy, I’m really “hip” now so watch out dear.
Yes I really think you should get all the rest you can over the next 6 weeks dear. You will certainly be the smartest looking dame in this town darling and I’m not kidding. I can hardly wait until we start stepping out again and even though it will not be like Toronto the main thing is that I’ll be with you and that is the best thing.
I really do not know what to bring down dear. I think our toaster, iron and maybe Mothers electric heater, some blankets and sheets and a couple of our small lamps and I really don’t know much more but I will give you all the details later darling as soon as I get us a place. I have not had a chance to see these people I was telling you about, but I’ll get around for sure on the weekend.
So little Beverley is quite a gal eh? Well if she is half the girl her big sister is she’s really going to be some hot stuff and seriously darling I would like nothing better than for us to have one just like her. I think I would just as soon have a girl. I guess it is because I hope she is like her Mother because she would really be a lovely baby. So darling you know how I feel about it and we will just see what happens when you come down here.
Ted is really going to be doing a lot of travelling. I had a look and it costs $90 return from here to Toronto and it is only 5 and 1/2 hours by plane. I like to think of it that way dear because it makes you seem so much closer to me.
The boys are just saying how much they you give to take their girls to the Palais Royale tonight. I said that I would give $20 right now to be able to go down with you darling in fact I would give $50 and then I think that would be cheap. But someday dear we’ll be together back home and darling I’ll promise to make up to you all the good times that you are missing now. A lot of the boys worry about their wives running around with other men and having a wild time and I just told them that they are not really in love with them or they wouldn’t worry. I said real love includes trust and faith and I said that in all the time I had known you and darling, that is about 6 years, you had not done anything to break that trust and darling that is one of the main reasons that I love you so very, very much.
I’m just sorry for the little things that I have done to you and I just wish that I could apologize darling, but you know now that I really didn’t mean them and that I just hope you believe in me as much as I do in you because darling I would never do anything to spoil our wonderful love for one another.
Well dear I guess that is about all for now. I have to leave and press my uniform because tomorrow is the C.O’s inspection and he like to see that Willie Lewis is a neat little airman. So darling I’l write toy on Saturday or Sunday so until then dear, loving you very much.
Missing you very very much
Your loving husband
